Baldo's Listing of the Best Roses to Grow

The following is a list of roses that appear to do very well in the Sacramento Valley area. The Sacramento area has mild winters and hot dry summers and beautiful weather to grow roses from April through December. The roses in this list were selected because of their ease of growth, flower production, repeat bloom, and overall good performance for the Sacramento Valley climate. The roses were also selected for disease resistance to fungal diseases like powdery mildew, rust, and blackspot. If they are planted in a manner that air flow within the roses is maximized, the need for pesticide application for control of powdery mildew, rust, and blackspot can be kept to a minimum. Many of these roses can be obtained through my favorite local rose nurseries but a few are only available through mail order nurseries. Please see my list of local and mail order nurseries elsewhere in this page.

The roses are listed by class (e.g., Hybrid Tea, Grandiflora, Floribunda, Polyantha, Climbers, Shrubs, Old Garden Roses, and Miniatures). Please note that the Old Garden Roses and the Climber Sections contain roses which belong to several classes. Also for the practical use of this list, the shrub class was split into two one listing the classic shrubs and the other one listing the Austin or English Roses which have been very popular in the past few years. Within each rose class, the rose varieties are listed by color classes (e.g., apricots, mauves, oranges, pinks, reds, whites, and yellows) and includes the national rating listed in the "Handbook for Selecting Roses" published by the American Rose Society annually. Because of poor judgement by the ARS, the 2000 ARS Handbook for Selecting Roses has not been as useful as it has been in the past and many new rose varieties were not given a rating or maybe misclassed. Also, a new class was introduced in 1999 to accommodate some of the bigger miniature roses (or small floribundas/hybrid teas). Until this class is further clarified, the classical classes will be used in the listing of roses in this site.

The rating classes are as follows:

10.0 = Perfect
6.0-6.9= Fair

In many cases no rating will be available and in that case, a "n/a" notation will be entered. However, most of the roses listed here have a 7.0 higher rating.

List of Roses by Class

Hybrid Teas
Climbing Roses
Old Garden Roses

Hybrid Teas

Apricot and Apricot Blends

Mauve and Mauve Blends

Orange and Orange Blends

Pink and Pink Blends

Reds and Red Blends

Whites and White Blends

Yellows and Yellow Blend


Pink and Pink Blends

Reds and Red Blends

Yellows and Yellow Blend


Apricot and Apricot Blends

Mauve and Mauve Blends

Orange and Orange Blends

Pink and Pink Blends

Reds and Red Blends

Whites and White Blends

Yellows and Yellow Blend


Pink and Pink Blends


Orange and Orange Blends

Pink and Pink Blends

Reds and Red Blends

Whites and White Blends


Apricot and Apricot Blends

Pink and Pink Blends

Reds and Red Blends

Whites and White Blends

Yellows and Yellow Blend

Austin or English Roses

Apricot and Apricot Blends

Pink and Pink Blends

Reds and Red Blends

Whites and White Blends

Yellows and Yellow Blend

Old Garden Roses

Mauve and Mauve Blends

Pink and Pink Blends

Whites and White Blends

Yellows and Yellow Blends


Apricot and Apricot Blends

Mauve and Mauve Blends

Orange and Orange Blends

Pink and Pink Blends

Reds and Red Blends

Whites and White Blends

Yellows and Yellow Blend

If you have any questions or constructive comments, I would love to hear from you, please send e-mail to Orangevale Rose

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Copyright© 1999-2001 Orangevale Rose
Last updated: December 23, 2001