Baldo's IPM Resource Page

This page is designed to be help page with horticultural problems found in the the rose garden. Please look over the articles that I have and if you don't see what you are looking for email me and I might just have the answer tucked away somewhere. Don't expect miracles as I don't claim to be an know-it-all. I do travel quite a bit in my job so if you don't hear for me be patient. If after a week you still have not heard from me, send me another email.

The image shown above is that of a snow scorpionfly, Boreus californicus, native to the western United States. This insect is only active in the winter months


If you have any questions or constructive comments, I would love to hear from you, please send e-mail to Baldo Villegas

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Copyright© 1995-2002 by Baldo Villegas
Last updated: January 20, 2002