The Northern California-Nevada-Hawaii District of the American Rose Society had its 2000 district convention in San Francisco, California on October 14, 2000. The district convention was hosted by the San Francisco Rose Society with Chuck "Bud" Dowling being the general chairman.
PLEASE NOTE: These are preliminary results gathered by the webmaster while at the show. If there are any errors noted, please inform the webmaster right away so they can be corrected.
SECTION A: NCNH District Challenge Classes
Class 1: J. Horace McFarland Memorial Trophy ...................... Tineke, Agnes Winchel, Veterans Honor, Louise Estes, Gemini, and Sweet Amy by Sue & Kang Mei
Kang and Sue Mei by their winning entry which won them the McFarland Trophy
Baldo Villegas with his winning entries of Mother's Love and the Moore Trophy entry
SFRS Challenge Classes
Class 21: Miniature Cycle of Bloom ..................................... Jean Kenneally by Baldo Villegas
Class 22: Hybrid Tea, 3 blooms............................................ Liebeszauber by Tom Bonfigli
Class 23: Miniature, 3 blooms .............................................. Cricket by Baldo Villegas
Class 24: Floating Rose in a Bowl - HT/GR ......................... Tineke by Sue & Kang Mei
Class 25: Floating Rose in a Bowl - Miniature ...................... Behold by Jolene Adams
Class 26: Most Fragrant Rose ............................................. Texas Centennial by Mary L. Grogan
Class 27: Miniature Bouquet ............................................... Not Awarded
Class 28: Grand Bouquet .................................................... Signature, Spring Break, Louise Estes, Liebeszauber, Perfectly Red, Leanna & Brigadoon by Tom Bonfigli
Class 29: Trailing Rose ...................................................... Flower Girl by Jolene Adams
Class 30: Tin Can Derby ................................................... Mixed Bouquet by Sue & Kang Mei
Section C: General Horticulture Classes - Amateurs
Queen of Show .................................................................. Helen Naude by Sue & Kang Mei
Kang Mei with his winning entry of Helen Naude
Kang and Sue Mei by their winning entries of Helen Naude and Timeless which won them Queen and King of Show
Tom Bonfigli next to Gemini which won him Princess of Show. Next to him is also a great specimen of Liebeszauber which placed in the Court of Honor
Court of Honor
Liebeszauber ...................................................................... by Tom Bonfigli
Pearl .................................................................................. by Sue & Kang Mei
Rina Hugo .......................................................................... by Beverly Rose Hopper
Section F: General Horticulture Classes - Miniatures
Queen of Miniatures ........................................................... Mother's Love by Baldo Villegas
Court of Honor
Fairhope ............................................................................. by Sue & Kang Mei
Palmetto Sunrise ................................................................. by Bob Parker
Pucker Up .......................................................................... by Baldo Villegas
Section J: General Horticulture Classes - All others
Class 124: Shrubs ............................................................. First Light by Roberta RidenourSection H: General Horticulture Classes - All others
Best Judges Entry ............................................................... Lady of the Dawn by Adena KalalDIVISION II: ARRANGEMENTS
Section A - Novice
Class 1: Using one rose ..................................................... Cynthia Chuang with Veterans Honor bloom
Cynthia Chuang being presented the best Novice Trophy for her winning arrangement entry.
From left to right: Dorothy Tyson, Cynthia Chuang, Earl Parsons, and Barbara Gordon
Section Class - Open to All
Class 4: Transparency ....................................................... Eilene L. Chun with Timeless & LoveSection C: Arrangements Using Miniature Roses
Class 8: 4" limit - using one rose ........................................ Laverne Cottet with Yellow BantamSection D: Mini/Mini-Flora/ Small Roses
Class 11: 9" limit - arrangers choice ................................... Laverne Cottet with Greta Kluis (Polyantha)Section E: ARS Members Only
Class 13: Vertical line ........................................................ Lore Wolff with Olympiad bloomsSection F: Dried Materials
Class 17: With wood accent ............................................... Laverne Cottet with City of Belfast bloomsSection G: Earl's Challenge
Class 19: Arranger's Choice ................................................ Betty Ann Cassina with Uncle Joe bloomsSection H: Judges of this Show
Class 20: Duo design ........................................................... Barbara Gordon with Sunsprite, Mirabella & Graceland bloomsSection I: All NCNH Judges
Class 21: Modern/Contemporary ........................................ Laverne Cottet with Strawberry Blond bloomsIf you have any questions or constructive comments, I would love to hear from you, please send e-mail to Baldo Villegas
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Copyright© 1995-2002 by Baldo Villegas
Last updated: March 15, 2002